1) 収集する個人情報
2) 収集した個人情報の使用目的
3) 収集 し た個人情報の 第三者への 開示
4) 収集した個人情報の 開示と修正
“ Smart Life for ARUGO ” スキルのプライバシーポリシー
1) ARUGO 製アプリ関連サービスについて
私たちの ”Smart Life for ARUGO ”アプリとそのスキルの利用は無償です。
2) ” Smart Life for A RUGO ” によって収集される個人情報
“Smart Life for ARUGO ”スキルは、お客様のARUGO IDとパスワードのみを
3) 推奨 対象年齢
“Smart Life for ARUGO ”は3歳以上のお子様の利用を想定していますが、
4) 広告及び宣伝
“Smart Life for ARUGO ”は広告及び宣伝を含んでおりません。
プライバシーについてのお 問い合わせ先
ARUGO inc.
Privacy Policy
1) Personal Information We Collect
In following occasions, we, ARUGO inc., may collect personal information of our customers;
・In cases we receive inquiry about our products and our service
・In cases we receive orders of our products and our service
2) Use of Personal Information Collected About You
We use personal information which we collect from our customer in
following occasions;
・To contact our customers
・ To reply customer ’ s inquiry about our products and services
・To provide our services to our customers
3) Transferring Personal Information to Third Parties
We do not provide personal information, which we collect from our
customers, to third parties except following occasions;
・In case our customers agree to do so
・ In case we receive orders to provide our customers ’ personal information from
law enforcement authority with legitimate reasons
4) Disclose and Amend of Personal Information We Collected
In cases we receive requests from our customer to disclose their own
personal information, to amend their own personal information, to delete
their own personal information, we fairly follow our custo mers ’ requests.
Privacy & Compliance Policy for “ Smart Life for ARUGO ” skill
1) ARUGO ’ s APP related services
Our APP, “Smart Life for ARUGO”, and the skill is free of charge.
2) Collecting Personal Information by “ Smart Life for ARUGO ” skill
“Smart Life for ARUGO” skill does not collect your Personal Information except
your ARUGO ID & Password.
3) Target Age
“Smart Life for ARUGO” skill is designed for above the age of 3.
In cases user is under the age of 13, it is recommended to use with
Parents ’ Guidance.
4) Advertisement
This skill does not contain advertisement.
Inquiry about our Privacy Policy
Please contact;
Tel : +81-92-419-2469
Mr. Yoshihiro Nishida
ARUGO inc.
Company Name : ARUGO inc.
Amazon Developer Account : nishida@arugo.asia
Action Name : Smart Life for ARUGO
2025 ARUGO Inc.